The Courage of Leading with Humility

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Words are our thoughts presented to others. They create emotions when read or when heard. These emotions range across the spectrum from joyous to rage, inspirational to demotivating, provocative to calming. Oftentimes, the same word draws out varied emotions and can be interpreted differently from one person to the next. A word that I have appreciated for a very long time, but have grown to embrace ever more often in my daily life ...
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New SEO Mantras to Replace Old, Inefficient Thinking

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It’s time for some spring cleaning. I’m not talking about our homes, but rather our thought processes.

Let’s make a pact as an industry to do away with the old ways of thinking that have absolutely no place in what we do anymore. Our industry has truly grown up; there are more effective and sustainable ways to ensure long-term success for our clients.

SEO has changed and evolved, definitely for the better. It’s a very enjoyable time to be working in the ...

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10 Time Management Tips That Work

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May 2, 2011 (republished)


Chances are good that, at some time in your life, you’ve taken a time management class, read about it in books, and tried to use an electronic or paper-based day planner to organize, prioritize and schedule your day. “Why, with this knowledge and these gadgets,” you may ask, “do I still feel like I can’t get everything done I need to?”

The answer is simple. Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste ...

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What Triples Your Risk of Being Depressed?

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By Jim Clifton and Deepak Chopra

If economics aspires to be a science — “the dismal science” as it was traditionally called — it must recognize that the most relevant economic data are human. The rise and fall of GDP, mean household spending, and consumer confidence are useful statistics, but ultimately the “units” of the American economy are bodies and souls. What’s going on with them?

Even as the stock market soars, the unequal distribution ...

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Stay Focused on Priorities

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By completing a short list of your day’s ‘must do’ priority tasks each morning, you will see more progress with focus.

We each have priorities that must be completed before the end of the day.   Most of us don’t take the time to write them down, and whatever seems like the important item of the moment becomes a priority… as a result, we have less of a feeling of organization and more importantly accomplishment.

Take a  short time each morning and ...

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The Healing Powers of Oahu

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The islands host a multitude of gifted and giving people in need of building awareness of their message and services to their local communities and beyond.

CSM HI is primarily focused on providing advice and services surrounding that community of people and organizations.

Offering Marketing Services (planning, messaging/branding campaigns, building subscribers & clients, web & social media), that lead to other conversations around Business, Technology, Finance… to aide in the critical elements of a Plan for Business

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