Reduce Stress Achieve Goals


If you are running your own business or working in a demanding industry, then you may feel as if you are stuck in constant catch-up mode. Setting and achieving new professional goals may seem like a pipe dream, but it doesn’t have to. Here are some work tips that will help you reduce your stress levels and give you the confidence and tools you need to hit the ground running and achieve your goals.


Start with small, achievable goals (and then work your way up)


If you dream of running a marathon despite never having run more than a mile in your life, a personal trainer is likely to advise you to start out slow. The trainer will tell you to start with walking and jogging, then work your way up to longer and longer distances. The same concept applies to busy professionals. Major, long-term goals can seem unattainable, and even a tiny seed of doubt can derail you. That’s why many experts recommend focusing on achievable, short-term goals. By knocking those out, you’ll gain confidence and skills that you can carry forward to larger goals. If you have large goals, you can also break them down into steps that lead to your ultimate goal.


Focus on the things you can control


Very few people work in a silo. Inevitably, our success relies on other employees, businesses, and factors beyond our control. The best thing any professional can do is acknowledge this and focus their energy on the things within their grasp. You can certainly try to influence others to hold up their side of a deal, but ultimately it is up to you to have a contingency plan in place in case something doesn’t work out.


Take advantage of available tools for appointment schedules, etc.


Work smarter, not harder. Embrace technologies that make your business run more efficiently. Delegate or outsource any smaller or insignificant tasks that may be taking up more of your time than they are worth. This can include things like budgeting or appointment-scheduling software or appointment reminder programs or services that reduce no-show numbers and keep folks engaged. Keeping an appointment schedule running smoothly is key to keeping customers or clients happy and returning to your business time and time again. It also keeps your employees (or yourself) less stressed because you know what to expect from their day, which helps productivity and job satisfaction. There are many appointment reminder apps available, so it’s crucial that you do your research and look for one that offers all the features you and your business need..


Don’t forget about self-care


Don’t mistake effort with results. Stressing out and pulling all-nighters may make you feel as if you are the most committed person in the world. However, those things are only making you less productive, which affects your bottom line. Forbes notes that successful professionals understand that their bodies and minds need enough sleep, nutritious food, and downtime (aka, fun!) to stay in peak condition. Don’t put your professional goals above your personal care. Take care of yourself, and the rest will follow.


In a similar vein, experts recommend finding and embracing a “keystone habit”—a habit that leads to other good habits. Waking up earlier is one keystone habit. It empowers people and sets them up for making other healthy decisions such as eating better, drinking more water, and exercising more.


Setting new professional goals is important because it keeps you progressing. Achieving those goals is equally important. So keep your mind focused, and you will be well on your way to seeing success.


Photo via Pexels

Tips for Reducing Stress and Achieving Your Professional Goals

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